Thursday, July 5, 2007

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

If you find someone flushing in your presence, don't get any wrong notions, he or she might very well be displaying the symptoms of high blood pressure! High blood pressure, more commonly referred to as hypertension, can take your life. Thus, it's a serious enough condition to sit up and take note. An estimated over fifty million people in the US alone are afflicted with this silent killer.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries, veins, and the chambers of the heart, as it is pumped through the body. High blood pressure occurs when the exertion of this force increases. Over time, this can begin to damage the lining of the blood vessels and may even lead to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. It ultimately results in heart attack, stroke and other serious conditions.

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Common symptoms associated with high blood pressure are flushed face, headache, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness, fatigue and weakness, difficulty in breathing, bleeding from the nose, insomnia, intestinal complaints, emotional instability, and the like. And these innocuous looking symptoms can lead to complications, such as stroke, heart disease and kidney failure.

What are the causes of high blood pressure?

The number one cause for high blood pressure is heredity, but there is usually more than one factor involved. Amongst the environmental factors are diet, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, stress, obesity, and so on. Some nutritionists indicate lack of potassium and magnesium in the diet, especially in relation to salt intake, as the cause for this condition. Contamination from heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium is also known to be a cause. Of course, lifestyle factors, such as coffee and alcohol consumption, and smoking also play a role.

What are the high blood pressure natural remedies?

High blood pressure can damage many organs in the body and increase the risk of stroke, brain hemorrhage, heart attack and kidney failure at an early age. High blood pressure can be controlled. You only need to bring some discipline into your lives! In most mild cases, dietary and lifestyle changes can normalize blood pressure. However, have a look at what the natural remedies for lowering blood pressure are:

a. Minerals: Ensure adequate intake of minerals by eating potassium-rich foods, like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, green peas, potatoes, avocados, bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, grapefruit, nectarines, oranges and squash. For magnesium, eat wheat germ, rice, nuts, potatoes, bananas, molasses, soy, kidney and lima beans.

b. Garlic: Studies indicate that garlic appears to lower the blood pressure by five to ten percent. It also lowers cholesterol, reduces triglyceride levels, discourages clot formation, and promotes blood circulation.

c. Hawthorn: Hawthorn or Crataegus oxycantha is a well known heart herbal tonic. It's known to decrease the blood pressure and the heart rate and increase heart muscle contraction and blood flow to the heart muscle. However, its full effect takes several weeks or months to develop.

d. Ayurvedic medicine: The ancient Indian medical science of Ayurveda pins the blame of high blood pressure on each person's dosha or constitution. Those with pitta or kapha type of constitution are more prone to it. It treats high blood pressure the natural way by introducing a low salt and fat diet, yoga, breathing exercises, and the like.

e. Traditional Chinese medicine:
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the problems in circulation of energy in the body are the cause of high blood pressure. A combination of acupuncture and herbs can balance this energy flow.

High blood pressure is dangerous
. Prevent it by making lifestyle changes, like regular exercise, stress management, breathing exercises, and the like. But, if you do get afflicted with it, take the help of natural remedies. They are safe, effective and without side effects. However, don't forget to take your physician's advice first.