Thursday, November 15, 2007

Natural remedy For Alcohol Hangover

Drinking robs your body of the B vitamins and causes dehydration. So, take Vitamin B Complex with a full glass of water before you go to bed to prevent most of the hangover symptoms. Besides being hydrating, water will give you a head start on diluting the alcohol.

Fructose helps your body burn the alcohol faster. Drinking vodka with orange juice can prevent some hangovers and lessen the severity of others. Drink fruit juice or swallow some honey when you get up in the morning to get rid of any remaining alcohol quicker.

Alcohol also causes your blood vessels to dilate, resulting in that nasty headache the morning after. Coffee in the morning will constrict the blood vessels and therefore reduce the pounding headache. A few strong cups of tea with honey will give you water, caffeine, and fructose all at once. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, giving you an extra reason to take in a lot of fluids.

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